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[插件相关] Magics Userscript+ : 显示当前网站所有可用的UserJS脚本

北极狐2号 社区新人 发表于 2021-10-26 19:47:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 [复制链接]
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本帖最后由 北极狐2号 于 2021-10-26 19:51 编辑

Original Source Code: https://github.com/jae-jae/Userscript-Plus
Firefox fork: https://github.com/magicoflolis/Userscript-Plus

Userscript + is a Tampermonkey user script, the role is when you browse the web, from the bottom right corner automatically for you to recommend the current page Tampermonkey script, and can install a designated script.

Many times, we do not know whether some sites have users to provide the script to optimize the page, but Userscript+ will be able to help you automatically find the applicable UserJS, and by default, according to the score from high to low order recommended to you, bring you a new Tampermonkey use experience!

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